The Supporting Multilingual Classrooms initiative provides training workshops in the member states of the European Union and the European Centre for Modern Languages (ECML) of the Council of Europe on the linguistic integration of migrant learners in schools in Europe. |
In this way, it helps member states ensure access to quality education and helps bridge the attainment gap between these learners and non-migrant pupils. The initiative draws on a wide range of successful ECML projects and resources which focus on inclusive, plurilingual and intercultural approaches. The workshops offer tailored support to different educational stakeholders, including teachers, teacher educators, administrators and school leaders, on how best to develop learners’ competences in the language/s of schooling, whilst valuing all children’s home languages and drawing on these languages as a rich resource for learning. |
The Supporting Multilingual Classrooms initiative responds directly to the challenges outlined in the European Council Recommendation on a comprehensive approach to the teaching and learning of languages (22 May 2019): namely, the importance of creating language-aware schools and to the 2022 Council of Europe Recommendation on the importance of plurilingual and intercultural education for democratic culture. |
Course Details
Course Date | 30-11-2022 9:00 am |
Course End Date | 30-11-2022 3:30 pm |
Cut off date | 30-11-2022 1:00 pm |
Capacity | 30 |
Individual Price | FREE |
Speaker | Terry Lamb, Professor, University of Westminster, London & Mercè Bernaus emeritus Professor of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Select Hours | 6 |
Location | Waterford Education Support Centre Eircode X91 XD98 |